Wednesday, 27 May 2015

My Math

My math work for today I hope you like my math work for the 27.05.15.

Friday, 8 May 2015

Looking At Friendship

This is our reading task for today I hope you like my look our for friendship and yah.
P.S Thank you for reading my blog

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Today At School

Today for learning my class has been working on Myths and legends. We have had a lot of fun doing our Myths and Legends. We had to do a DLO  on our myth or legend we picked. But i'm going to do a move note because it is real easy to us. Myths and Legends have been real cool because we get to learn about our culture and how they have a legend. I love to learn in my class because it gets me thinking about my education.

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Reading Today

Today for reading, my group and I were reading Namu and Waeroa we were talking a lot about the text it was fun. I like how we were talking to get the right information we needed to get. At the end of our discussion paterita and I were talking about how we were going to do this on a DLO. Then the bell rang, we stopped the teacher said pack up and go get ready for morning tea. Then we went to morning. This is what I did for reading today.

P.S Thank you for reading

Math Task Addition Pyramid

Patosina and I have been working on our math activity,  this is a Addition Pyramid and as you can see here it's a bunch of numbers equaling about to explode into the main answer.

P.S Thank you for reading